Monday, November 3, 2008

Found this coupon on the Illinois Abortion Clinic Website. You can now get $20 off your next abortion, so no worries, just come on in. I sometimes really really hate this country.

Special Online Discount

Print this page and present at any Member Center


$20.00 off your 1st visit

Courtesy of:

Illinois Abortion Clinics Online

™Zombiehaven 2007. All ideas and photos are copyrighted under Zombiehaven. Anything used from this site, must have written permission.


  1. obama's stomping grounds. how 'bout that.

    maybe they are suffering through this economic crisis.

    unfortunately, there will always be business for them unless laws are changed.

  2. Unfortunately, we will see worse.... if Obama is elected.

    Lord Have Mercy.

  3. Yeah, when/if that there 'bomber' gets in there, lots more babies will be killed in the name of helping mommas. Sick. I also might start to not like my country. The opposite of his wife who just recently started to be proud. Ironic!

  4. Hideous. Why not start our own country? Anyone have any claim to land anywhere they would like to share?

  5. At least it's only for the first one. The rest of them I get to pay for. How does this make sense again?

  6. I thought anonymous Ray was from Canada, ey?
