Saturday, November 29, 2008


One of my good friends is in from out of town today, and I am supposed to hook up with him and some of my other friends later. Laura has a friend from out of town here too, so tonight we part ways. Thanksgiving was really good. We did Meals on Wheels in the morn. then went to my moms house for dunch. I say dunch because Thanksgiving is the only day of the year, where your feast may be at noon and you can call it dinner, really it's dunch.

On that same vein, I could not pry my wedding ring off yesterday because of all of the salt from the ham, and maybe the fat too. My mother has an interesting way of cooking. The grease from everything is poured back into everything and added to a pound of butter and bacon. You really could die just from looking at it.

After dunch, we parted ways and Laura went to her aunt's, and I went home to put up the outside lights. Laura's aunt has cats, that means I cannot be there. I hate putting the lights up, but it is necessary, I want the kids to remember we did that every year.

All the Christmas stuff, puts a lump in my throat.

Does anyone else have a problem typing the word "From"? I always type "Form"


™Zombiehaven 2008. All ideas and photos are copyrighted under Zombiehaven. Anything used from this site, must have written permission.


  1. dunch is the best. it's good at 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 O'clock too. it's also good well into the evening. i guess it would just be dinner then.

  2. I am with you on the form thing! What is that in our brains that make us do that? Totally weird.

  3. Dinner used to be called lunch among poor whites 50 years ago and before. So now, it is a tradional way to refer to lunch on holidays for most people. If you like Jimmy Carter, he refers to "dinner" in his autobiography too. Just an extra thought. In fact, hillbillies still use it today to mean lunch. Just come to my house and you'll see. Supper is what we use for dinner. In addition to that, in Quebec, they use the same model borrowed from poor Catholics who came from France. People in modern France use the same breakfast, lunch and dinner system we currently use in English while one uses the archaic forms in Quebec and among Appalachian English households. any questions... just ask. I love this stuff. LOL!! and I'm anonymous!

  4. We call it " Linner

    Sounds like a nice day...

  5. I like to eat all the time...dunch, linner, 4th meal, whatever...
