Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Father of the Year

In response to Rockstar's Blog claiming the Father of the Year crown. I would like to throw my hat into the race with this little piece of parenting genius.

In the posted picture, what you are seeing is Aevry careening down the big slide at Java Jungle because we thought it would be a good idea. Our philosophy, throw her down it and she will get used to it and not be afraid of anything. Click on the picture and blow it up and notice the finger nails trying to dig into the plastic on the slide.

™Zombiehaven 2008. All ideas and photos are copyrighted under Zombiehaven. Anything used from this site, must have written permission.


  1. The thing is she would have went again if we would have let her.

  2. That photo is H I L A R I O U S.

    You win. Hands down.

  3. You also are way up the list for father of the year. Just remember ladies, practice makes perfect you can't expect us thunderheads to get it right the first time consistently

  4. Poor kid, but a funny photo. -Becky R in NJ

  5. creative justification, huh laura.
    poor kid. did you check her didey after that skid down death row?

  6. That photo is so funny! I really LOL. =0)

  7. FYI, I found your gnome....and he made a new friend.


  8. I love your kids. They make me laugh so much. I wish I could understand her more. Laura always translates for me.
