Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Wifey Throws Down

Finally Laura has a blog of her own. I just want to let you all know now that it is over the torment she has put me through. She hovers over my shoulder as I write, correcting grammatical mistakes and clearing up things I may say that are inappropriate and forcing me to give credit for my stories and my writing to her just because she told me that I should blog about it. However, now this poses a different and maybe even bigger conflict: If something funny happens, who will blog about it first, and who was better? I have 1 advantage in that I have been writing longer and for now have more of an audience. She has a distinct advantage because she is smarter than me. So here goes the blog wars at home. So to get a jump start on her dirt, I want you to know that when we met she was on probation. Also, she got suspended her senior year for fighting two girls at once (She punched their noses).


  1. What was she on probation for???

  2. Better yet, what was she on probation for?

    Her brother!

  3. Sorry, us chicks have to stick together...My money is on Laura!


  4. I think I'm going to like this war :)

  5. Just remember ... if something entirely inappropriate happens that no one really should blog about .... you will always get first dibs on that story. Otherwise sit back, enjoy the ride, and watch your woman drive a big 'ole monster truck right over your neck. Just keeping it real.

    I am not even the rockstar in my own house. Love to stay and chat but I need to go cry ... er ... man up now.

  6. I am following her bloggy already.

    She might be cooler than you are.
    But, I am way cooler than the Rockstar. Just ask him.

  7. Oh man, that was a funny blog.

    I bet on you writing first, but I bet Laura's will be less exaggerated. :) I kid, I kid.

  8. At least with this venue you two can't ask me who I side with...I miss those days.

  9. pwahahah omg. adam, I can't believe you just out-ed her like that!
