Monday, September 29, 2008

The Lights When Squinting Appear To Be Lasers

So there is this kid who always wanted to go to the fair, but when he got there, he looked at it's beauty and the lights that lit the sky up like Christmas Eve and he started to obsess over leaving. It wasn't that he didn't love the fair; the opposite. The fair was more than anything he had ever hoped for, so beautiful that the thought of it being over and the rides packed away to leave was so devastating. It was so painful the never really sat back and enjoyed the ride, only dreaded the moment it was over. At the end of the night when the lights went out, all he had left of the ride was the memory of being there.


  1. The key to enjoying the ride is to pick the right ride. Lets say the witches wheel. Then one must find a friend to ride the witches wheel with. Then when one rides said ride with said friend one enjoys the ride... especially the part of the ride that involves everyone staring at you.

  2. It is like going to the back page of the book and blowing the whole story for yourself. We run straight to the back of the book to be comforted only to find out that rarely in life is there a comforting ending, but there is plenty of joy in the living (all undead jokes aside). If you totally obsess over how it is all going to turn out you are going to totally miss it.

    I get this post. I constantly have to remind myself of these things...

  3. i, too, used to squint at lights and liked how it stretched the beams out, like lasers. when i was a kid, i thought that when i did that, everyone else could see the "lasers" too. i didn't understand that it was only my perspective.

  4. I was SO like this as a kid. I am ejoying the ride more now than ever.
