Monday, April 21, 2008

Zombies Beard Makes History

So my beard got featured on

There are elements of my life that I hate, ie. my sleeping patterns, my lack of motivation, and my ability to see in the dark.

When I think about death, I think about wearing a tie everyday to work, listening to your boss puking orders at you while you are up to your knees in camel crap as it is. I think of all of the people that do the same routine everyday of their lives. They get up, they eat and get ready for their tie, then, they go off to the same job and do the same thing that they did the day before, just to come home and go to bed to do it again with no hope of something better. Not at all meaning a new job, but a new way of looking at life. Forget all the money, forget all the accomplishments, forget everything physical that we work for. God is hope, God is everything, not just something. That hopeless life is poison. That is death to me. I would rather freeze to death in my car.


  1. YES! That is a terrible death to me also!
    Preach on :D
    That's why I like working from home. I make the schedule, and no one is barking at me :)
    I did it before, and it drains you.
    The same old same old in the worst way!

    Bless you brother! Congrats on your beard! I love beards, although mine never gets very thick... I like it, because it looks like early depictions of Jesus beard :D


  2. Dude,

    Which beard is yours? You look different in every picture :D


  3. The linked one. The most beautiful grizzly bear beard ever.

  4. Nice beard! :) When I have tried in the past, mine just came in like patches of weeds. I gave up early in life to try to grow one of those things! :)

  5. Hey, that wasn't there when I went the first time!
    I obviously would have recognized you there :D
    Now, I can catch what you really look like between the buzzed cut and that picture. Your bio pic looks different though :D


  6. I ditched the tie a couple of years ago! I try not to have monotony as a feature of life but routine was a big part for a while, for different reasons

  7. thanks alot. welcome to my life.

    sweet beard, congrats on making the site.

  8. It isn't that I hate the tie. It is that attitude of trying to work your butt off to gain wealth that will be spent on things that will never bring us happiness. That is what I see as death.
