Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I had my small group last night at my house and we were talking about prayer. We were searching through some passages where Jesus modeled prayer, He did it a little different than Jabez did, but good. Passage after passage shows Jesus going away from the noise and having real, intimate time with His Father. We saw Jesus travel up mountain sides, He fasted and prayed for 40 days, we saw Him pray all through the night without ceasing. We saw Him pray in happiness, in sadness, in pain, and in grief. No matter what Jesus was doing, He was spending that time with His Father. I wish I knew how to make that work for me. I wish I wasn't so selfish with my time. Jesus prays all through the night and I struggle with 20 minutes. I do not like that about me, it is a character flaw to be selfish and self serving. I try my best to pray every day as if it were a chore, but when things are going badly, I yearn for God, I pray out of necessity, not habit. I think in American churches, we need to NEED God. We are too comfortable here that we get lazy and forget that it is God that gives our every breath and it is God that takes it away. When we are in need, we pray, so I think we need to step out and put ourselves in need.


™Zombiehaven 2008. All ideas and photos are copyrighted under Zombiehaven. Anything used from this site, must have written permission.


  1. Sorry, Wife to the Rockstar, I accidentally rejected your comment. Once it is gone, it is gone, sorry.

  2. i totally relate to this. the wife is such a prayer warrior and i am just lousy. it is way too easy to waste your time here rather than spend time with God. what a shame that i continuously choose entertainment instead of communion.

  3. New habits are hard to get going.

    Sounds like a good study.

  4. Being selfish is a tough one for me. I think you should always consider others but I also believe that we have a responsibility to check out for ourselves as well. I think balance is the key. But like everything else its easier said than done. Something to pray about. Happy 2009!

  5. Great Post! I have realized this in myself recently as well. I have doubled up my efforts (which isn't good because zero times two is still zero) to read my Bible everyday and pray. It has changed my attitude and disposition the last couple of days and I am going to try my best to keep those priorities in order.

    My Mother-in-law has a life of prayer. She is constantly in prayer throughout the day. If it is just one word or a one sentence here and there. She has the relationship where she does not really set aside a specific time to commune with God but is in constant communication with him. Perhaps that would be easier?

  6. I am convinced that most of us are not praying correctly. This was something I realized about a month ago. Since then I have been in a closet on my face in prayer. It has completely changed my life. Seriously......

    Beth Moore makes the comment in her book that we should try to picture Christ right there in front of us...and when I do that, I cant help but fall at his feet in worship.

    Find your closet Zombie, tell the kids dad will be back in a few minutes...and leave the world behind.

  7. I feel the same way as you. I want to be in a position where I NEED Jesus everyday. Every second. Not just when things are bad, but when things are great, too! I moved out to the desert to be in the wilderness of my soul. This has helped to strip away so much of what I don't need. Keep a bloggin'! It helps to know there of more of us out there.
