Monday, May 31, 2010


It has been a great weekend. I got a lot done and still got time to relax after a hellish first few weeks of nursing school. Here is a convo with my wife.

Friday morning 9:45 AM
Laura- "What are your expectations for the day? Just so I won't be disappointed. Whatever you want."
Me- "I really expect to rest and relax to regroup for the next hellish few weeks of nursing school."
Laura- "So you didn't want to put up that privacy fence?" Wink. Wink.
Me- "I will."

Later that night after the fence is up and looking grand.We decide to go to Lowe's and look at patio umbrellas. She makes her way to the gutter section.

Laura- "We sure need to get these downspouts put on to avoid damage."
Me- "Yeah, we can do that a different weekend."
Laura- "OK, but if anything happens..." Wink. Wink.

I really never had a choice did I?

Fixed them and did the fence because they really needed to be done. I am glad they are done and don't regret doing them. The rest of the weekend was great. I had a relaxing time with my family and didn't think much about school. My wife is great, my kids are great, and this weekend I felt pretty great.

Next two weeks- an exam Wed. and exam on Mon., Tues., and Thurs. Fun.
