What do you do to overcome your weaknesses?
In my case, my weaknesses overcome my strengths, although my strengths may overcome another's strengths. In my case, I learn to fight. I search inside of myself and find anger and release, then repeat. It is amazing the way anger manages to hold on to you like it is trying to survive a fall from a cliff. Happiness is easily forgotten. Blessings are easily forgotten. Accomplishments are easily forgotten. Anger stays for the long haul. Why?
So I run it out. I have explored in my life many more unhealthy ways of alleviating the ache in my heart, but running was the first to be productive. I need to believe I am stronger than the things I cannot control. God has always assured that with Him I am, but the utter humanity in us desires to see it with experience.
So I ran once. Then I ran again, and again, and again, and again, and again. I ran until I felt better and my fists were no longer clinched. I ran until I was too exhausted to display anger in my life. I ran until my chest expanded and air filled my lungs in their entirety. I experienced what God promised me. I could do anything with Him. He gives me strength. I run because I have to purge and scream and hate and fire and break down. Then I breathe and thank God for the strength to overcome my flesh and release to Him my fear and anger. See, I see running as a form of prayer. For some, our words alone are our prayers. For others, our tears alone. For me, my words are only a small part of the communication I need. I need to feel it. I need to feel the exhaustion that requires God to hold me up. My sweat is prayer.
When God says to give Him your troubles, this is the only way I have been able to interpret that in a way I can understand. I give it to Him though my suffering and ability to prevail.
Thanks for reading...Z